The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has moved to reiterate strongly its stand on its reported working relationship with the Chairman of Lagos State Parks Management Committee, Musiliu Akinsanya (MC Oluomo) ahead of the general election.
The clearest indication yet as to why politics in Nigeria is generally regarded as corrupt and many more may have been revealed if the words of a Chief of the Electoral College Nigeria are to be believed.
Comments made recently by the Association of Resident Doctors in Nigeria (NARD) in a seeming explanation for the huge migration of doctors outside the country have been further backed by a Public Health Chief.
Following the conclusion of the mid-term elections in the United States of America, the country now hopes for credible elections in Africa's most populous nation come 2023.
It is not a sine qua non for landlords to issue a quit notice to tenants before they can evict them from their property.
One of the world's biggest problems today is the battle to keep the high rate of depression cases and suicide ideation under control .
If there is one thing Lagos is known for and easily identified with, it is its big and renowned markets.
The primary objective of rallies in the build up to elections in Nigeria appears to have been defeated.
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