Jude Omamegbe asks callers if the bad road is the sole reason for the security challenges along Emohua-Kalabari Road
Jude Omamegbe has a conversation with a lawyer, Jubilee Nwokoro, about the challenges of return policy in Nigeria.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if there are limits to protest that should be practiced.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers how confrontations between police can be resolved.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they think there should be legislation to discourage the eating of cowhide aka ‘kpomo’.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if transport fares and fuel prices have returned to their normal ranges in their areas.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they think auctioning of a seized vehicle is an appropriate or extreme punishment for traffic violations.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers how they would respond if a colleague does something wrong that improves revenue for their organisation.
Jude Omamegbe has a conversation with leadership consultant, Dr Alfred Oladapo, about how trust can be improved by leadership.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they think issuance of pipeline surveillance contracts could lead to the privatisation of other security concerns.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they use the weather as an excuse to avoid work.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they are willing to speak to therapists about mental health challenges.
Jude Omamegbe and Carl Orakwue have a conversation about manual labour and if be encouraged in schools.
Jude Omamegbe has a conversation with journalist Carl Orakwue about alternative routes provided due to the ongoing constructions in the state and why gates of these routes are closed at certain times to the public.
Jude Omamegbe has a conversation with leadership and creative intelligence expert, Dr Alfred Oladapo, about the expectations of the 21st-century student.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers what they think needs to be done to improve road repairs in rural areas.
Jude Omamegbe is joined by political analyst and Professor of Politics and Governance, Prof. Ken Nweke to talk about how the cost of governance should be reduced.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if street lights are functional in their areas and what factors restrict their operations in the state.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they are willing to stop eating street foods.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers who should bear the responsibility for making the job fun, the boss or the employee.
Jude Omamegbe and Barrister Jubilee Nwokoro discuss how citizens can properly recover debts.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers why they think some citizens are assaulting some security operatives, after four Nigerians were arrested for fighting with some police officers in Lagos State.
Jude Omamegbe speaks to Barrister Ritchard Wokocha the conduct of lawyers at the NBA conference
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if they think the Labour Party rallies are indicative of Political awareness of the Nigerian youth or just social gatherings.
Jude Omamegbe speaks to the Rivers State Immunisation Officer, Dr Joseph Urang, asking if rural dwellers are aware of health regulations in Rivers State.
Jude Omamegbe asks callers if as passengers in Rivers State they are bothered about the drinking culture of some taxi drivers.
Jude Omamegbe speaks to Comrade Innocent Lord-Douglas, Deputy General Secretary, Senior Staff Association of Electricity and Allied Companies, SSAEC, South-South/South East zone about the electricity workers’ strike
Jude Omamegbe and Carl Orakwue have a conversation about sharing between sexes.
Jude Omamegbe has a conversation with a lawyer, Jubilee Nwokoro, about what kind of civil issues should be reported to the Police.
Jude asked callers if the EFFC's style of raids will deter cybercrime.