Playwright and co-author of the book 'Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture', Daniel Mate, says the ongoing Israel-Gaza War "is not a war between Jews and Muslims."
In an interview on Nigeria Info's Borderlines, Mate characterized the conflict as one "between a supremacist state and anyone who gets in their way" be it Christians, Muslims, or Jews.
Mate, who didn't hold back in expressing his dismay over the situation in the Middle East, described Israel's actions as nothing short of a "genocide."
He berated the Jewish state's "disproportionate response" to the conflict, with Gaza bearing the brunt of the devastation.
He also criticized the support Israel is getting from world powers, accusing them of aiding in the destruction of Gaza with the provision of arms and ammunition.
He particularly addressed America's reaction to the conflict, highlighting the use of taxpayer money to fund Israel despite many Americans' condemnation of the killings taking place.
He criticized US foreign policy, stating that it serves the interests of a select few, including the military-industrial complex.
"It's not about true American interests or values," Mate remarked. "It's about preserving power and privilege for a select few."
He did not spare legacy media which he accused of complicity in perpetuating the conflict by serving the interests of the US security state.
Mate condemned the actions of Israeli leaders for exacerbating the trauma experienced by Palestinians and blowing it out of proportion.
He said the conflict didn't erupt out of thin air but is rooted in a century-old territorial dispute between Palestinians and Israelis.
The author took some time to speak on the upcoming United States presidential election.
"Essentially, the Democrats and Republicans are the same party," he said.
He, however, would prefer Donald Trump, who is expected to become the Republican candidate defeat his Democratic hopeful, Joe Biden, when Americans go to the polls on November 5.
And that's because Trump unlike Biden is not a "hypocrite," Mate said.