The beneficiaries of the Students Entrepreneurship Programme organised by the non-profit, SEA-hub say their entrepreneurial skills have been boosted.
Journalists met some of the students during a media tour to beneficiary schools in Lagos.
The schools visited by journalists were Alimosho Senior Grammar School and Abesan Senior High School where the students' SEA-hub activities were showcased.
The Managing Director of SEA-hub at Alimosho Senior Grammar School, Akinfenwa Boluwatife explained how the programme has helped her.
“It has helped me to develop myself into a better human being in society. I have learnt basic entrepreneurship skills like how to make plantain chips, how to make soap molder, and how to make the soap,” she enthused.
Her counterpart at Abesan Senior High School, Kanu Wisdom explained how the team has been able to raise money to sustain a business.
“Most of the time, we have what we call Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
“During this process, we are able to do some menial jobs for people and they give us a small token.
“These small tokens, we are able to save up and buy some of the materials we use.”
Sea-hub was formed to create student entrepreneurship activity hubs in secondary schools.
It falls under the project, Pro-poor Growth and Promotion of Employment in Nigeria (SEDIN), which is being implemented by the German development agency, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
GIZ says the SEA-hub programme has reached over 30,000 students in 342 active schools in Nigeria.